Preventing corrosion or scale-forming

Alkalinity & water balance

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Alkalinity solutions: Optimal water balance with Melpool

Maintaining a healthy and crystal-clear pool requires proper water balance. One crucial factor in water balance is alkalinity, which refers to the level of alkaline substances in the water. Alkalinity plays a vital role in stabilising pH levels and preventing corrosive or scale-forming conditions.

We offer specialised pool chemicals, by Melpool, that are specifically designed to effectively adjust alkalinity levels. Our products are formulated with precision to provide you with the means to maintain the ideal alkalinity levels for a sparkling and enjoyable pool. 

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Determining water balance: Parameters to consider

To assess water balance accurately, several parameters need to be measured:

Water temperature in degrees Celsius

The temperature of the water can be measured with a thermometer, while the other parameters require a digital test kit available at professional pool shops.  

pH value of the water

The pH value should be maintained between 7.2 and 7.6, as it affects the water's acidity or alkalinity levels.  

Total alkalinity (TA) of the water

TA acts as a buffer against sudden changes in pH levels. The ideal TA value should be between 100 and 150 ppm, and it can be adjusted using Bosta's Melpool pH+ or Melpool pH- chemicals as needed. A too low TA value will result in a tendency t corrosion or a fluctuating pH-value. A too high TA value results in cloudy water, scaling and non-efficient chlorine using. 

Total quantity of dissolved substances

The total amount of dissolved solids in the water also plays a role in water balance. If you cannot measure it, a value of 1,000 ppm can be assumed, or 2,000 ppm if your water was refreshed over a year ago.

Calculating the Saturation Index

The Saturation Index (SI) is calculated using the following formula: 
 SI = pH + TF + CF + AF - TDSF 

  • pHF is the pH factor, which depends on the measured pH value. 
  • CF is the calcium hardness factor. 
  • AF is the total alkalinity factor. 
  • TF is the temperature factor of the water. 
  • TDSF is the total dissolved solids factor. 
 The factors can be found in the tables to the right.

Interpreting the Saturation Index

After calculating the SI, you can determine the water balance using the following table: 
SI Value Water Balance

  • +0.3 or higher Scaling tendency 
  • 0 to -0.3 Acceptable balance 
  • -0.3 to -0.5 Slight corrosion tendency 
  • -0.5 or lower Corrosion tendency

Example calculation of Saturation Index:

Swimming pool parameters
24 ˚C
TF = 0.6
CH (calcium hardness)
200 ppm
CF = 1.9
TA (total alkalinity)
100 ppm
AF = 2.0
1000 ppm
TDSF = 12.1

SI = 7.2 + 0.6 + 1.9 + 2.0 - 12.1 = 0.4

Maintaining water balance with our pool chemicals

Discover Melpool pH+ and Melpool pH-, alongside our specialised products, designed to effortlessly adjust pH levels, total alkalinity, and calcium hardness. Safeguard your pool's longevity and enjoy pristine, crystal-clear water all season long as Bosta's expertise and premium pool chemicals take care of maintaining a perfectly balanced pool environment. Assessing water balance accurately with the Saturation Index and considering parameters like pH and total alkalinity has never been easier. Trust in our range of pool chemicals to restore and maintain the ideal water balance for an unparalleled pool experience.

Safe water: Optimal pH

pH value is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of water, with a range of 0-14 indicating acidity, neutrality, or alkalinity. Maintaining an optimal pH level is critical for various industrial and environmental applications, including water treatment, agriculture, and aquaculture, as well as ensuring safe and healthy water for human consumption.

Learn more on pool pH value

Safeguarding water: Essential analysis

Water analysis is a crucial process that involves the comprehensive examination of water samples to determine their physical, chemical, and biological properties. This essential information plays a vital role in assessing water quality, ensuring its safety for human consumption, and safeguarding environmental health.

Learn more about water analysis with chlorine

Algae control: Clean water

Algae can be a significant problem in bodies of water, causing a range of issues such as odors, discoloration, and reduced oxygen levels. Algae removal techniques such as chemical treatments, filtration systems, and physical removal methods can effectively address and prevent the growth of algae, ensuring clean and safe water for recreational and environmental purposes.

Read more about algae removal

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to maintain the proper water balance in my pool?

Maintaining the proper water balance is crucial for a healthy and enjoyable pool experience. It helps prevent issues such as corrosion, scaling, and cloudy water. Balanced water also ensures the effectiveness of water treatment products and helps prolong the longevity of your pool equipment.

Why is it important to maintain the proper water balance in my pool?

Maintaining the proper water balance is crucial for a healthy and enjoyable pool experience. It helps prevent issues such as corrosion, scaling, and cloudy water. Balanced water also ensures the effectiveness of water treatment products and helps prolong the longevity of your pool equipment.

What are the consequences of having low alkalinity in my pool water?

Low alkalinity can result in pH fluctuations and instability in your pool water. This can lead to corrosion of metal parts, staining, and damage to the pool surface. It is important to maintain the recommended TA level between 100 and 150 ppm to ensure a stable water balance.

Can I use baking soda to increase the total alkalinity of my pool water?

Baking soda can be used to increase the total alkalinity of your pool water. It acts as a buffer and helps stabilise the pH. However, it's important to follow the recommended dosage instructions provided by a pool professional to avoid overcorrection.

How often should I test the water balance of my pool?

It is recommended to test the water balance of your pool regularly, ideally once or twice a week. This helps you identify any imbalances and take corrective measures promptly to maintain the optimal water balance.

What are the consequences of having high alkalinity in my pool water?

High alkalinity can cause the pH level to rise and remain difficult to adjust. This can lead to cloudy water, reduced effectiveness of sanitizers, and scaling on pool surfaces and equipment. Regular testing and adjustments using suitable products can help you maintain the TA within the recommended range.

Frequently Asked Questions

Maintaining the proper water balance is crucial for a healthy and enjoyable pool experience. It helps prevent issues such as corrosion, scaling, and cloudy water. Balanced water also ensures the effectiveness of water treatment products and helps prolong the longevity of your pool equipment.
Maintaining the proper water balance is crucial for a healthy and enjoyable pool experience. It helps prevent issues such as corrosion, scaling, and cloudy water. Balanced water also ensures the effectiveness of water treatment products and helps prolong the longevity of your pool equipment.
Low alkalinity can result in pH fluctuations and instability in your pool water. This can lead to corrosion of metal parts, staining, and damage to the pool surface. It is important to maintain the recommended TA level between 100 and 150 ppm to ensure a stable water balance.
Baking soda can be used to increase the total alkalinity of your pool water. It acts as a buffer and helps stabilise the pH. However, it's important to follow the recommended dosage instructions provided by a pool professional to avoid overcorrection.
It is recommended to test the water balance of your pool regularly, ideally once or twice a week. This helps you identify any imbalances and take corrective measures promptly to maintain the optimal water balance.
High alkalinity can cause the pH level to rise and remain difficult to adjust. This can lead to cloudy water, reduced effectiveness of sanitizers, and scaling on pool surfaces and equipment. Regular testing and adjustments using suitable products can help you maintain the TA within the recommended range.