Quality pool chemical by Melpool

Achieve the desired pH value

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Achieve the perfect pH value with Melpool's top-notch chemicals

Our pH balancing products are specially designed to help you effortlessly adjust the pH level of your pool water to the desired range. Trust our products for reliable solutions that ensure your pool water is balanced, safe, and enjoyable for swimming.

We offer a wide range of pH balancing products, including pH increasers and pH reducers, to suit your needs. Follow the instructions on the product labels carefully to determine the appropriate dosage for your pool size and type. Regularly test your pool water and adjust the pH level as needed using Melpool's Chemicals reliable and effective solutions. With Melpool's Chemicals, you can confidently maintain the desired pH value in your pool, resulting in crystal-clear, inviting water all season long. Choose our products for hassle-free pool water pH balancing!

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Balanced & safe pool water

Crystal clear water

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The importance of pH value in pool water

Maintaining the correct pH value in your pool water is crucial to avoid problems. The pH value can be accurately calculated using the Langelier index. As a general guideline, our labels recommend a pH value of 7.2 - 7.6, which has been proven to work effectively in practice. 

Factors affecting pH value 

Several factors can cause changes in the pH of pool water, including the flow of water, addition of certain chemicals and their reactions, and the presence of tap water, dust, and organic materials from wind or swimmers.

How to correct pH value 

When making corrections to the pH value, it's important to do so in small steps. Increase or decrease the pH value by a maximum of 0.4 at a time, and be sure to turn on the pump. It's recommended to wait for 8 hours (preferably 24 hours) before making further adjustments.

Problems when the pH value is incorrect

Problems with a too low pH value (corrosive water) 

  • Stains
  • Metals dissolve (corrosion)
  • Eye- and skin irritation 
  • Formation of chloramines 
  • High chlorine use (unnecessary) 

 Problems with a too high pH-value (alkalinity) 

  • Blocked filter 
  • Less water circulation 
  • Cloudy water 
  • Problems to maintain water balance 
  • Eye- and skin irritation

Water analysis

Water analysis is a crucial process that involves the comprehensive examination of water samples to determine their physical, chemical, and biological properties. This essential information plays a vital role in assessing water quality, ensuring its safety for human consumption, and safeguarding environmental health.

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Alkalinity & water balance

Alkalinity is a measure of the water's ability to neutralise acid and maintain a stable pH level, making it a critical component of water balance. Maintaining proper alkalinity levels is crucial for preventing corrosion of pipes and equipment, promoting effective disinfection, and ensuring safe and healthy water for consumption.

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Algae removal

Algae can be a significant problem in bodies of water, causing a range of issues such as odors, discoloration, and reduced oxygen levels. Algae removal techniques such as chemical treatments, filtration systems, and physical removal methods can effectively address and prevent the growth of algae, ensuring clean and safe water for recreational and environmental purposes.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the importance of maintaining the correct pH value in pool water?

Maintaining the correct pH value in your pool water is crucial to avoid problems. It helps prevent stains, corrosion, eye and skin irritation, formation of chloramines, and excessive chlorine use.

What are the factors that can affect the pH value of pool water?

Several factors can cause changes in the pH of pool water, including the flow of water, addition of certain chemicals and their reactions, and the presence of tap water, dust, and organic materials from wind or swimmers.

How should I correct the pH value of my pool water?

When making corrections to the pH value, it's important to do so in small steps. Increase or decrease the pH value by a maximum of 0.4 at a time, and be sure to turn on the pump. It's recommended to wait for 8 hours (preferably 24 hours) before making further adjustments.

What problems can occur with a too low pH value (corrosive water)?

A too low pH value can cause stains, corrosion of metals, eye and skin irritation, formation of chloramines, and unnecessary high chlorine use.

What problems can occur with a too high pH value (alkalinity)?

A too high pH value can result in a blocked filter, less water circulation, cloudy water, difficulties in maintaining water balance, and eye and skin irritation.

How can I correct the pH value of my pool water if it's too high or too low?

The pH value can be corrected using a pH decreaser (pH minus) or pH increaser (pH plus) product. It's also important to check the Total Alkalinity (TA) value, as without proper alkalinity, the pH level will not remain stable and the water balance will be affected.

Frequently Asked Questions

Maintaining the correct pH value in your pool water is crucial to avoid problems. It helps prevent stains, corrosion, eye and skin irritation, formation of chloramines, and excessive chlorine use.
Several factors can cause changes in the pH of pool water, including the flow of water, addition of certain chemicals and their reactions, and the presence of tap water, dust, and organic materials from wind or swimmers.
When making corrections to the pH value, it's important to do so in small steps. Increase or decrease the pH value by a maximum of 0.4 at a time, and be sure to turn on the pump. It's recommended to wait for 8 hours (preferably 24 hours) before making further adjustments.
A too low pH value can cause stains, corrosion of metals, eye and skin irritation, formation of chloramines, and unnecessary high chlorine use.
A too high pH value can result in a blocked filter, less water circulation, cloudy water, difficulties in maintaining water balance, and eye and skin irritation.
The pH value can be corrected using a pH decreaser (pH minus) or pH increaser (pH plus) product. It's also important to check the Total Alkalinity (TA) value, as without proper alkalinity, the pH level will not remain stable and the water balance will be affected.